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15 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

What is your suggestion for shopping and request for this theme

I want you to help me to develop the theme. Your ideas are very important to me. Please share your ideas with us. We will continue to share with you bloggers who will benefit everyone. Good blogs to work well.
I love blogger summer you?
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of the theme, follow us for more
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Responsive design themes testing bla bla

Design for the responsive Web is an approach that demonstrates that design and development should respond to user behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The application includes the use of flexible grids and layouts, images and CSS media queries in a smart way. As the user moves from the laptop to the iPad, the website will provide the harmony for the resolution, image size and scripting capabilities. In other words, the website user must have the knowledge to respond to the preferences of the user himself. This removes the need for a different design and development phase for every new gadget on the market.
Sensitive themes can follow a responsive internet design approach aimed at creating internet sites that offer the best user experience across screen resolutions, including tablets such as various devices and desktop computers, iPads, smartphones and other mobile devices. A responsive blog post setting properly adjusts the layout based on screen size and resolution.

Sensitive themes provide better legibility and usability on small screens such as smartphones. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a device-specific mobile version. Prior to sensitive themes, sites need to create a different mobile version for each platform like iPhone, Android. The responsive design allows a single site to be viewed on a variety of devices without the need for additional themes or extensions.
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This week we are organizing google blogger

In Turkey, the first question that comes to mind is to get a link from the outside, but the truth is not the truth. There are many seo factors in the business. Seo is not only a job to be done by external intervention but also seo related workshops must be done in the site. Turkish seoda best blog turkish seo community, turkish seo The community tries to do the best for google seo.
Theme can be developed for Turkey and the whole world and free software will be distributed free of charge.I am looking forward to developing the theme distributed as the GNU General Public License
I would like to license as GPL in the future, so I hope to work so well for the time being.
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Continue experimenting and testing with a ridiculous article theme test 8

Continue experimenting and testing with a ridiculous article theme test 8
I am writing this article to improve my page a little more Maybe I am trying to do a better day I will give my theme worthy of my valuable files maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow
Anyway I am a little more nonsense because I need to look at how this topic is subject to me and how articles are needed so I write long articles and head shaking articles.
SEO Blogger Templates Seo responsive design Turkish SEO Community.
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12 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Testing a topic title | Test 6

Testing a topic title test 6
Blog history
Because the content of blogs differs from the traditional internet domain, there are only special indexing mechanisms and search engines for blogs. Technorati is one of the most influential blogs. Other than that, the search engine operates a blog search engine called Blog Search. Purchased by Verisign in 2005, is the world's largest blog ping service, providing data for all internet indexing mechanisms.

According to a 2005 study by Jupiter Research, a serious research institute on the Internet, half of blog site owners earn more than $ 60,000 a year, 60% of blog readers are male and 73% of blog reading habits have an internet connection that is longer than 5 years. 28% of blog readers use RSS to read blogs. According to another research conducted at the end of 2005, 38% of internet users stated that they know the meaning of blog word
and 27% read blog. According to statistics from Technorati's mission to keep blogosphere pulses, more than 50,000 new blog sites are being created per day.

The use of blogs became widespread in 1999 when Blogger started offering this service and soon made it free. In February of 2003, the search engine bought Blogger and added 'Blog This!' To the Search engine toolbar to allow you to directly enter the address of the visited page. Button. Most people who speak English have met with blogs through this
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I'm testing a topic title test 5

This is a test article, a test article for the design, and the design is still going on, so I'm writing head-shaking letters so it's a crazy and fun theme for a world and so on
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An article about drinking water

An article about drinking water
Water; Is an odorless and tasteless compound which is abundant in the world and indispensable for life. It has a natural blue color because it absorbs the light slightly in the red wavelength region, even though it is often identified as colorless.

In the water, water is found in solid, liquid and gas states. Upper Chemical formula (H2O) consists of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom. It occurs with the reaction of a substance containing an H + ion (eg acid) and an OH ion (eg base).

Scientists think that life in the world begins in the water. Upward Water molecule structure is as easy and abundant as possible. Under certain conditions, it behaves as differently as other compounds. The water in the ice (solid) state floats on the water in the liquid state. In almost all other compounds in the world, the solid phase is formed from the liquid phase and the compound in the solid phase is bathed. Upper Water has some advantages over this feature. For example, the ice layer covering the surface of the lake in a cold region works like an insulator and protects life on the bottom. It will be impossible to continue their lives because the living will be exposed to severe cold in the gradual decline.

Water is not a flammable substance. Because of this feature, it is used as a fire extinguisher. But Oxygen in the water is a non-breaking gas, Hydrogen is a flammable gas. Oxygen and hydrogen combine to form the extinguishing water.

H2O represents pure water, pure water is the nearest natural rainwater. Pure water is not drinkable water for living things, it does not benefit people. The minerals it carries for humans and other living things are very important except for the fluid. Minerals must be mineral in the water that they should drink. Rain water, ie pure water, collects the minerals of the soil structure after the oil has reached the ground, and these rain water on the earth form a stream that is drinkable. In order to be reasonably well away from the building structures that pollute the underground waters, from the industrial, human life and so on, it is necessary to find a river or natural water source in the mountainous areas and make a water filling facility in the mountains. These natural mineral waters are bottled and sold as "natural spring water" in the markets. The minerals and ratios to the soil in each region are different, so the benefits of water can vary according to the regions.
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5 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Seo theme theme sharing little friends

It is good to share with us one day we will share our theme yes yes very little has not yet been completed to share the theme if it is completed I will make an announcement here to work well wish
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Turkish SEO Community butterfly v.2

Turkish SEO Community
Our theme is the most beautiful for you dear friends
Compiling performances and using different methods,
I believe that we will present the best.

Did you know that butterflies do not have those colorful wings in their first birthday?

Yes, butterflies are born without wings. In your country, you need to pass four stages in order to reach the shapes you see in the gardens. The butterflies, some of which have a 24 hour lifetime and some have a lifetime of 1,2 months, When the worm grows up, it becomes a cute little caterpillar, and the second cycle starts at the butterfly.
This is a test article I wrote an article of love for the

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Turkish SEO Community Theme v1.0

Turkish SEO Community Theme v1.0 Test 2016
This is a test theme and you will be making arrangements in the coming months and you will be so welcome for now.
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