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Blogger tarafından desteklenmektedir.
12 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Testing a topic title | Test 6

Testing a topic title test 6
Blog history
Because the content of blogs differs from the traditional internet domain, there are only special indexing mechanisms and search engines for blogs. Technorati is one of the most influential blogs. Other than that, the search engine operates a blog search engine called Blog Search. Purchased by Verisign in 2005, is the world's largest blog ping service, providing data for all internet indexing mechanisms.

According to a 2005 study by Jupiter Research, a serious research institute on the Internet, half of blog site owners earn more than $ 60,000 a year, 60% of blog readers are male and 73% of blog reading habits have an internet connection that is longer than 5 years. 28% of blog readers use RSS to read blogs. According to another research conducted at the end of 2005, 38% of internet users stated that they know the meaning of blog word
and 27% read blog. According to statistics from Technorati's mission to keep blogosphere pulses, more than 50,000 new blog sites are being created per day.

The use of blogs became widespread in 1999 when Blogger started offering this service and soon made it free. In February of 2003, the search engine bought Blogger and added 'Blog This!' To the Search engine toolbar to allow you to directly enter the address of the visited page. Button. Most people who speak English have met with blogs through this
button at first.
LiveJournal, which was founded at the same time as Blogger, is a blog site that has been recognized for providing blog pages that only certain people can read. LiveJournal, which is currently one of the most blog-created systems, is preferred by people who do not want to share their work with everyone and who attach importance to group ties.

Microsoft's Windows Live Spaces named blogging system is also spreading significantly when associated with the Windows Live Messenger service offered to MSN members. The system that allows members to create photo albums also has an internal structure that allows blogs to be updated and shared. Windows Live Spaces, a service for more amateur users, is not as clear as the look and the structure. Apart from that, Windows Live Messenger is a service used for more chatting, so the blogs in the Space are also used as more visual download area. On September 27, 2010, Microsoft announced that it would stop the Windows Live Spaces service and offered its users the ability to move blogs to without paying for their blogs.

In a fast-growing and serious blogosphere, Yahoo! announced its Yahoo! 360 blogging system in March of 2005.

WordPress is the leader in blogging that users run on their own servers.

Finally, in 2007, Tim O'Reilly introduced the idea of ​​Blogger's Code of Conduct.

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